The Disqualification Files

Having Made False Representations About Her Business Turnover to Get a Lloyds Bank BBL, Not Using the Funds for the Benefit of Her Business and Blagging the Job Retention Scheme Out of Over £3k a Director is Given an 11 Year Ban

The Company Director named in this case must have known that getting a £50k BBL from Lloyds Bank then getting money from the Job Retention Scheme was wrong, much more so when you see her Company stopped trading in 2019. […]

The Disqualification Files

Having Not Supplied Accounting Records to the Liquidator No One Knows What Happened to the Bounce Back Loan Associated with a Roofing Company, So the Director is Given a Modest 7 Year Ban

As you will see below, this is another case which resulted in a lower length of ban being given out for not supplying his accounting records compared to the ban the Company Director would have got if he had been found to have committed wrongdoing with a Bounce Back Loan by supplying those records, he ended up with a 7 year ban. […]

The Disqualification Files

Another Director is Slapped with a 9 Year Disqualification for Over-Egging His Business Turnover to Get a Barclays £50k Bounce Back Loan which Was Left Unpaid at Liquidation

I am sure it wont be long until my Bounce Back Loan Abuser Tracker gets to 1,000 in number and here is another Company Director who has been found to have committed wrongdoing when applying for a BBL, which ended up being left unpaid at liquidation, for which he has been given a 9 year ban. […]