The Disqualification Files

Having Blagged a £30k Bounce Back Loan from HSBC When Not Eligible for One and Having Transferred the Money to Herself a Company Director is Given a 9 Year Ban

Whilst there may be a case for leniency in the length of ban handed out or in fact whether a ban is given out at all in some circumstances when Bounce Back Loan wrongdoing has been uncovered, by blagging one when not eligible in the first place, that act of wrongdoing never going to result in sympathy, as the Company Director named below has discovered, as she now starts a 9 year ban. […]

The Disqualification Files

By Not Supplying the Liquidator With Accounting Records for a Company that Left a £50k NatWest BBL Unpaid a Director Gets a 6 Year Disqualification Which Would Have Been Longer If Those Records Had Been Supplied and Bounce Back Loan and Other Wrongdoing had Been Uncovered

Here we have another case of a Director getting a much shorter ban for not maintaining or preserve or alternatively failing to deliver adequate accounting records than they would have got if they have done so and those records had uncovered any type of wrongdoing. Ultimately a £50k NatWest Bounce Back Loan was involved in this case which was left unpaid. […]