BBL Fraud

Subscriber Special – Final Stage of the “BBL Fraud Analysis Pilot Scheme” Due to Be Completed By November 2025 That Has Been Secretly Tracking Business Owners For 3 Years That Blagged a BBL By Over-Egging Their Turnover or Weren’t Even Trading – Indicators Are Some 537,913 Business Owners Could Have Blagged a BBL

Here is an update on the not so “secret” pilot that has been in progress behind the scenes, that has been tracking businesses for years that got a Bounce Back Loan using data from BBL Lenders and matching it with HMRC data. This pilot is due to be completed by the end of November 2025. […]

BBL Fraud

The “Covid-19 Loan Schemes Fraud Analytics Programme” Detects £99,476,014 By Using Government Data to Identify Fraud in the Bounce Back Loan Scheme and Companies with £40,509,531 in BBLs Have Been Blocked From Being Removed from the Companies Register

Here is a news update from the Public Sector Fraud Authority, who are giddy with excitement that their new counter fraud team saves taxpayers £311 million in first twelve months, beating target by more than £100 million. […]