This section of the website looks at all manner of official Bounce Back Loan related complaints and the outcomes of each of them. If you are experiencing a problem with your BBL lender you may find others who have had a similar complaint sorted out, or even binned by the Ombudsman. You will find plenty of them to immerse yourself in below.
Being Unable to Verify His Self-Declared Turnover Led to a Business Owner Having His Bounce Back Loan Snatched Back by Santander
With many people currently still being asked to provide all manner of additional information about their business by different banks, long after their BBL was approved and drawn down, today’s case is quite apt as it gives an insight into how the Ombudsman decided, in her opinion, Santander were right to snatch back a BBL from a Sole Trader who didn’t supply the requested information. For the record, even this week many people are reporting their banks are asking for additional information under the guise of “safeguarding” or ongoing “KYC”. If you […]