This section of the website looks at all manner of official Bounce Back Loan related complaints and the outcomes of each of them. If you are experiencing a problem with your BBL lender you may find others who have had a similar complaint sorted out, or even binned by the Ombudsman. You will find plenty of them to immerse yourself in below.
Ombudsman Does Not Uphold Complaint in Which HSBC With No Reason Given Snatched Back £18k from a Customer’s Account Balance and Demanded Repayment of the Rest of a £50k Bounce Back Loan
Hiding behind their terms and conditions has enabled many a bank, including HSBC, to simply snatch the balance from any customers account to offset a Bounce Back Loan which they are also demanding full repayment of. The Ombudsman as you will see in today’s case, often determines when someone makes a complaint, that is the banks right and does not uphold such complaints. […]