BBL Complaints and Outcomes

Ombudsman Decrees That HSBC Did Take Reasonable Steps to Make a Customer Aware a Bounce Back Loan Wasn’t Subject to the Usual Protections of the Consumer Credit Act Despite The FCA Saying Banks are Not Following the Rules on Protections That Are in Place Anyway

Here is a prime example of why the Bounce Back Loan Scheme is imploding, well it already has. This case is one in which the Financial Ombudsman Service says one thing, whilst the Financial Conduct Authority supplies proof of the opposite. […]

BBL Complaints and Outcomes

Victim of Identity Fraud Complains to the Ombudsman That Santander Closed All His Accounts After Applying for a Bounce Back Loan Which They Also Declined Saying He Had a CIFAS Marker – Ombudsman Upholds His Complaint Saying the Bank Acted Unfairly

Imagine being turned down for a Bounce Back Loan, and having all your accounts closed, and being told the CIFAS marker you stand accused of having was there due to a fraudster using your identity on an address you knew nothing about, but CIFAS saying you do not have a marker. That nonsense and additional unfair treatment by Santander makes up part of this case which the Ombudsman has just upheld and awarded £500 to the customer. […]

BBL Complaints and Outcomes

Lloyds Customer Complains That They Logged a Sira Inconsistency Marker on the National Sira Database But No CIFAS Marker in Relation to a Her BBL Application – The Ombudsman Decide They Had Enough Reason to Log the Sira Marker

Plenty of unusual Bounce Back Loan related complaints are as always are going through the Financial Ombudsman Service, and here is one they did not uphold regarding a National Sira Database Inconsistency Marker logged by Lloyds Bank when they suspected something dodgy was going on. […]