BBL Complaints and Outcomes

Halifax Customer Didn’t Read a Letter From Lloyds Requesting a Tax Return So Their BBL Application Decline Could be Reconsidered – Ombudsman Says You Should Have Read It as You Onboarded with Lloyds

To get a Bounce Back Loan if you were a customer of Halifax you were required to onboard with Lloyds, that is what this customer did, but didn’t read a letter Lloyds sent out regarding supplying a tax return, they complained to the Ombudsman who basically said “tough, you should have read the letter” […]

BBL Complaints and Outcomes

Barclays Decide to Close a Customers Account and Demand They Repay Their Bounce Back Loan in Full – Ombudsman Says It’s Permitted by the Banks Terms and Conditions So That’s The End of the Matter

As you can see from the outcome of this case, it is yet another in which the Ombudsman permits a bank, this time Barclays, to close a customers account and demand they repay their Bounce Back Loan due to the bank having terms and conditions which state they can do just that, often terms and conditions borrowers never read or saw. […]

BBL Complaints and Outcomes

HSBC Closed a Customers Accounts, Snatched Back Every Penny to Offset the Bounce Back Loan They Issued, the Ombudsman States They Acted Fairly But it’s the Courts Duty to Decide if They Discriminated Against Him on the Grounds of His Nationality

Yet another case to present to you today of HSBC deciding to close one of their customers bank accounts, and snatch back all funds in the accounts to repay a Bounce Back Loan they also decided that customer was no longer having from them. Here is the judgment of the […]