This section of the website looks at all manner of official Bounce Back Loan related complaints and the outcomes of each of them. If you are experiencing a problem with your BBL lender you may find others who have had a similar complaint sorted out, or even binned by the Ombudsman. You will find plenty of them to immerse yourself in below.
Charity Treasurer Complains Bank of Scotland Defaulted the Charity’s BBL For Missing Repayments, He Argues the Bank Took Ages to Answer Their Phones – Ombudsman Implies BBL Lenders are a Grubby Bunch and Despite Being Told to Be Fair to People by the FCA, Defaulting the BBL Was Always an Odd-On Bet
Have a read of this complaint, which saw the Charity being awarded a few quid for the phone call problems, but the likelihood of the BBL being put into default by the bank so they could put a claim in for the guarantee was always an odd-on chance and more likely than not to happen. […]