Bank Bosses

HSBC Boss Admits If They Suspect Someone Over-Egged Their Turnover to Get a BBL They Are Allowing Them to Repay Their Loan as Per the Original Repayment Terms

You may be aware that some people are receiving letters from their Bounce Back Loan Lender seeking clarification on the original turnover figures used to apply for their BBL. Here is Karl Reid, Head of Lending UK Commercial Banking, HSBC saying they are allowing those that they suspect over-egged their turnover to repay those loans as normal as long as they didn’t commit much more serious “fraud”. […]

The Disqualification Files

Two More People Hit with Long Bankruptcy Restriction Orders for Bounce Back Loan Skulduggery and Several Bank Bosses Are Quizzed About How They Handle BBL Defaults and Arrears

I watched four bank bosses being quizzed about the Bounce Back Loan scheme yesterday, and from the lacklustre grilling of them by members of the Public Accounts Committee, I get the feeling the MP’s that make up that Committee have given up trying to make sense of that loan scheme. […]