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New Recovery Loan Lender Shire Leasing Offers Asset Finance Including Sale and Leaseback/Sale and HP Back and Loans over 3 to 5 Years as Part of that Scheme

I live in hope that the British Business Bank will finally accredit a lender that is prepared to help everyone seeking a Recovery Loan, however until that day arrives, I will continue to keep you updated with those they do accredit, even though not many people are being approved for those loans, and in fact most SMEs have written-off that scheme as a waste of time. […]

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For Those of You Desperate for Business Funding Do Not Forget the Start Up Loans Scheme As You May Be Pleasantly Surprised At How That Scheme Has Been Designed

If you have a nose on your face, then you will be more than aware at how the Recovery Loan Scheme is helping very few SMEs, and with the current chance of a BBL MKII Scheme looking highly unlikely, today I want to enlighten you on the Start Up Loans Scheme which has helped many people with a business that has been established for up to 2 years and those wishing to start a new business secure funding, and I have been getting good feedback on it too (makes a pleasant change). […]

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Been Convicted of Dropping Litter? Not Paid Your Tax Bill? All Possible Reasons a Bank Will Issue an Event of Default for a Bounce Back Loan!

I have been busy of late trying to make sense of the constant stream of snatch back letters many banks have been sending out, which are basically demands for the full and early repayment of Bounce Back Loans, and whilst some of the reasons they are sending such demands/letters out are obvious, some border on the downright outrageous, let me explain. […]