The Disqualification Files

The Second Reading of the Rating (Coronavirus) and Directors Disqualification (Dissolved Companies) Bill Takes Place This Week Aimed at Making it Easier to Investigate BBL “Skulduggery”

It is going to be a busy week with the main topic of conversation (apart from freedom day) being the second reading of the Rating (Coronavirus) and Directors Disqualification (Dissolved Companies) Bill that is due to hit the floor of the Commons on Tuesday morning. It has already been reported that there has been an explosion of over 740% of […]

Snouts in the Trough

Alok Sharma’s Unusual Ramblings About Renting Clothes Makes More Sense Now as the Stories are Flowing of Carrie Johnson Twirling Around in Them and there are links to Dodgy Dave

As it is a Sunday and little happens in the world of Government backed loans or grants, I will today be looking at Alok Sharma’s recent ramblings on renting clothes and buying second-hand clothes as a little more information has come to light, involving the wife of Boris Johnson and David Cameron which explains Alok’s possible eagerness to promote such things. […]

Premium Content

First Enterprise the East and Southeast Midlands Regional Lenders Now Accredited to Offer Recovery Loans

The lure of some big fat juicy interest rates and being given the greenlight to pawn off their own loans instead of Recovery Loans on customers, is proving to be irresistible to many banks and lenders. Pity none of them came to the aid of the overwhelmed lenders when the BBL scheme was live. Another regional lender has now been accredited to offer Recovery Loans that being First Enterprise. […]