BBL Complaints and Outcomes

Ombudsman States No New Parties Could Be Added to a BBL After March 2021, as He Tosses Out a Complaint From a NatWest Customer Who Said He Shouldn’t Be Liable for BBL Repayments as His Sole Trader Business Became a Ltd Company and He Isn’t Associated with It Any Longer

Here is another Bounce Back Loan related  comlaint that has just been tossed out by Colin the Ombudsman. I am aware some business owners have tried pulling a similar trick to try and get out of paying back a BBL…. […]

BBL Complaints and Outcomes

Ombudsman Tosses Out a Complaint and Decides a BBL Borrowers Recollections Were “Confused” When a Lloyds Bank Employee Told Him He Could “Use a Shortcut” to Get a BBL In a Sole Trader Name and Change it to His Limited Company Name Later

Having heard and seen what some bank staff said and did to BBL borrowers, I wouldn’t be too surprised if, despite this BBL complaint outcome, the Lloyds Bank Employee did utter such words. Read on for the details of this case. […]