The Disqualification Files

NatWest Are Now Getting Well Versed In Claiming the Government Guarantee For BBLs That Have Gone Sour – Here is the Case of a Business Owner Who Liquidated Their Company But Used Most of their BBL for Personal Benefit and Not the Benefit of the Business

Disqualified for 6 years was the penalty given to the business owner featured in today’s case, who secured a NatWest BBL of £39,000 but upon liquidation of their business was found to have used £35,200 of that BBL for personal benefit and not the benefit of the business. […]

The Disqualification Files

HSBC Fires Off Another Guarantee Claim After a Company Director Wound Up Business After Bagging a £37,500 BBL When Turnover Indicates She Was Only Entitled To £8,800 and Used Most Of It For Personal Benefit

A 9 year disqualification has been handed out to a business owner who it was discovered massively over-egged their turnover and used most of a BBL for personal benefit and not the benefit of the business, here are the details of what marks the 101st case that I have listed on my BBL Default Tracker. […]

The Disqualification Files

Company Director Blags Two £50k Bounce Back Loans for One Single Business and Along With His Failure to Keep and/or to Maintain Adequate Accounting Records Gets a 10 Year Disqualification

The rules of the Bounce Back Loan scheme stated that you could have as many BBL’s as you had eligible separate businesses, one for each business, as long as they were not part of a holding company at the top of the structure, in fact the record I am aware of is 36 BBLs to one multiple business owner. However, today’s case is regarding a Director who got two £50k BBLs for one single Business. […]

The Disqualification Files

Failing to Maintain and/or Deliver to the Liquidator Adequate Accounting Records to Prove Whether a Bounce Back Loan Was Used for the Benefit of a Business and Where Other Funds Went Lands Company Director with a 7 Year Disqualification

Many things will wind-up a liquidator, one of them being a business owner failing to keep and/or supply to them adequate accounting records, today’s case is one in which a 7 year disqualification has been handed out for those failings, and it does of course include a Bounce Back Loan, a Santander one […]