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Lloyds Bank Wave Goodbye to Another £50k Bounce Back Loan with a Company Director Getting a 6 Year Disqualification for Not Using Those BBL Funds For the Economic Benefit of the Business

The New Year is fast approaching, and sadly one thing that we can be guaranteed of in these uncertain times is an increase in the number of Bounce Back Loans that turn sour. Here is another case of a £50k BBL, this time a Lloyds Bank one that will be sent over to the Government and in turn us to pay back. […]

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5 Year Disqualification for Failing to Maintain and/or Preserve Adequate Accounting Records Which Meant Insolvency Service Unable to Work Out if a Local Council Covid Business Grant Was Used as a Legitimate Trading Expense

Today’s case of a Company Director getting a 5-year disqualification when winding up his business, involves a Local Council Covid Business Grant which is the first time I have seen one listed as part of the reason for that long disqualification. […]