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Another Quite Lenient 4 Year Disqualification Handed Out for Using a Barclays Bank Bounce Back Loan for the Benefit of the Directors of a Business Instead of the Benefit of the Business Which By The Way Was Insolvent

Here is a case that resulted in a Company Director getting just a 4 year disqualification for applying for a Bounce Back Loan when his business was insolvent, and also using the BBL funds for the benefit of the Directors of that business instead of the intended purpose, that being for the benefit of the business. […]

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Insolvency Service Slaps a Company Director with a 9 Year Disqualification for Applying for and Getting a Bounce Back Loan When His Business Seemingly Was NOT Adversely Affected During the Pandemic

Having seen plenty of Insolvency cases that ended up with a Company Director being hit with a disqualification for wrongdoing associated with a Bounce Back Loan, today’s case is unusual in as much as it is the first time I have seen a disqualification handed out to a Director applying for and getting a BBL when his business was NOT adversely affected during the pandemic. […]

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A Rather Lenient 5 Year Disqualification Handed Out to a Company Director Who Was Unable to Prove a Bounce Back Loan He Wasn’t Entitled To Was Used For the Benefit of the Business

There is currently no rhyme or reason to the disqualification lengths the Insolvency Service are dishing out for identical cases of BBL wrongdoing. This case involves a Company Director applying for, getting, and then using a Bounce Back Loan when he was not entitled to one and him being unable to prove that loan was used for the economic benefit of the business. […]

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Yet Another Santander £50k Bounce Back Loan Now Heading for the Government Guarantee as Another Company Director is Hit With a 6 Year Disqualification for Failing to Provide and Maintain and/or Preserve Adequate Account Records

Most banks are now well versed with the procedure for calling upon the Government Guarantee for a Bounce Back Loan when a LTD Company Director has taken the Insolvency route, as plenty of BBL’s have turned sour. Today’s case involves a £50k Santander BBL and a 6 year disqualification handed out by the Insolvency Service. […]