The Disqualification Files

Sole Trader Hit with a 6 Year BRO for Over-Egging Turnover to Get a BBL and Another Person Gets a 10 Year BRO for Getting a Bounce Back Loan When Not Entitled to One

Whilst it is mainly LTD Company Directors that are currently being slapped with disqualifications for Bounce Back Loan wrongdoing, when they wind up their businesses with a BBL still owing, there have been several Sole Traders and individuals who have also been found to have abused that government backed loan scheme, and here are two cases that have just come to light. […]

The Disqualification Files

Restaurant Owner Used at Least £40k of a £50k NatWest Bounce Back Loan for Personal Benefit and is Hit with a 6 Year Disqualification at Liquidation

Whilst those who are struggling to repay their Bounce Back Loans are not being offered any real help, bar the costly PAYG options, others who took the money but used it for personal benefit then opted to take the insolvency route are being hit with disqualifications. Here is another case which saw a Company Director get a 6-year disqualification for wrongdoing with a BBL from NatWest […]