The Disqualification Files

9 Year Disqualification for Bounce Back Loan Wrongdoing Regarding a £50k Lloyds Bank BBL and Perhaps Putting “Fresh Air Concept” On His Accounts Which Investigator Uncovers is the Name of an Outdoor Adventures Sports Retailer in Canada Was Not the Best Idea

Yet again it has been discovered that another Company Director as shown in this case has permitted all manner of wrongdoing with regard to a £50k Lloyds Bank Bounce Back Loan, which explains his 9-year disqualification. […]

The Disqualification Files

10 Year Disqualification for NatWest £50k Bounce Back Loan Recipient Who Over-Egged Turnover and Used the Loan For Personal Benefit

Maybe some people thought that bagging a Bounce Back Loan by over-egging their turnover and using it for personal benefit would not come to light when taking the Insolvency route, but as this case proves, such wrongdoing often does come to light and ends up with a long disqualification, which by the way was 10 years regarding the Company Director in this case. […]

The Disqualification Files

A Couple More Co-Directors Get 6 Year Disqualifications for Getting a Barclays £50k Bounce Back Loan, Sharing it Out Between Themselves and Using it for Personal Benefit

I am getting the feeling, that the next set of BBL guarantee claims that will be announced next year, if they are not suppressed or delayed, will, if they include the claims put in by the bigger BBL lenders (the last lot of figures didn’t) will be off the scale, looking at cases such as this one and the similar ones coming to light. […]