The Disqualification Files

Using a TSB £20K Bounce Back Loan For Foreign Exchange Trading and Leaving That Loan Owing at Liquidation Sees Company Director Given a Modest 3 Year 6 Month Disqualification

They are the easiest people for the powers that be to go after for Bounce Back Loan wrongdoing, those being the Company Directors who took out one of those loans, used it for personal benefit and not the benefit of the business then took the Insolvency route. That is what the Director in today’s case did and ended up with a 3-year 6-month disqualification when the wrongdoing came to light. […]

The Disqualification Files

Just a 6 Year Disqualification for Using a Hefty Chunk of a Bounce Back Loan for Personal Benefit and Leaving it Unpaid at Liquidation

Taking the Insolvency route with a Bounce Back Loan still owing is always going to see great scrutiny being given to how the BBL was applied for and what it was spent on. The Company Director named in this case was found to have used a chunk of his Company’s BBL for personal benefit and as such got a 6-year disqualification. […]

The Disqualification Files

Another Hefty 11 Year Disqualification Handed Out to a Business Owner Who Was Permitted to Estimate Their Turnover but “Over-Estimated” It

The Company Director in this case had a business with a turnover that was worked out to be £12,340 but even though he was allowed, due to the business starting to trade in August 2019, to estimate the turnover, he got an 11-year disqualification for estimating the turnover was £190,241, and also not using it all for the benefit of the business. […]

The Disqualification Files

Applying for and Getting a £50k NatWest Bounce Back Loan When His Company Was Not Trading on March 1st, 2020, and Hugely Over-Egging Turnover to Get That Loan Sees Company Director Hit with an 11 Year Disqualification

Not only did the Company Director named in this case apply for and get a Bounce Back Loan by over-egging the turnover of his Company that wasn’t eligible for the loan, but he also made no attempt to explain where the funds went and subsequently was slapped with an 11-year disqualification. […]