The Disqualification Files

By Not Maintaining and/or Preserving Adequate Accounting Records or, Alternatively, Failing to Deliver up to the Liquidator Such Sees Company Director Hit with a 7 Year Disqualification as No One Knows Where a Lloyds Bank £50k Bounce Back Loan Went

It was a seven-year disqualification the Company Director named in this case has been given, as no one knows whether their Company was eligible for the Lloyds Bank £50k Bounce Back Loan it got and have not got a clue what it was spent on. […]

The Disqualification Files

12 Year Disqualification for Company Director Who Not Only Blagged a Bounce Back Loan but Also Scammed a Job Retention Support Grant and a Local Council Support Grant Making Off with £117,218.21 in Total

Those of you who never received any support for your business during the pandemic, will be furious when you hear how the business owner in today’s case blagged his way to a six-figure sum. He has just been given a 12-year disqualification for his wrongdoing. […]