The Disqualification Files

After Checking a Total of Seven Bank Accounts It Was Discovered a Business Owner Did Over-Estimate His Turnover to Get Two £50k Metro Bank Bounce Back Loans and is Now Starting a 7 Year Disqualification After Taking the Insolvency Route With His Two Businesses Leaving Both BBL’s Unpaid

Not one of the longest disqualifications handed out recently, but the Company Director named in today’s two BBL related cases is starting a seven-year disqualification for over-estimating the estimated turnover to get two BBLs and leaving both of those loans owing at liquidation. […]

The Disqualification Files

11 Year Disqualification Given to Fried Chicken Business Owner for the Usual Story of Over-Egging Business Turnover to Secure a £50k HSBC Bounce Back Loan and Leaving it Owing at the Liquidation of His Company

The business owner in today’s case was discovered to have over-egged his turnover to secure a much larger valued Bounce Back Loan than eligible for and having taken the Insolvency route leaving that BBL unpaid it was decided that an 11 year disqualification would be a suitable “punishment”. […]