The Disqualification Files

After Working Out a Company Was Not Trading When It Secured a Santander Bounce Back Loan by Checking Its Bank Account, Whether It Was Paying Business Rates and the Lease of the Business Premises, a Director is Given a 10 Year Ban for BBL Wrongdoing

Here is another Company Director who effectively handed himself on a plate to the powers that be for Bounce Back Loan wrongdoing by taking the Insolvency route, to which he is now starting a 10 year disqualification. […]

The Disqualification Files

10 Year Ban for Getting a Barclays Bounce Back Loan of £50k By Over-Egging His Company’s Turnover When Only Entitled to a BBL Valued at a Tad Under £10k and Leaving it Owing at Liquidation

I remember one of the bosses at Barclays saying she suspects around 6% of her BBL customers over-egged their turnover, and the chap named below who got one of those loans from them certainly did, and has been given a 10 year ban for the wrongdoing highlighted.  […]