The Disqualification Files

Two More People Hit with Long Bankruptcy Restriction Orders for Bounce Back Loan Skulduggery and Several Bank Bosses Are Quizzed About How They Handle BBL Defaults and Arrears

I watched four bank bosses being quizzed about the Bounce Back Loan scheme yesterday, and from the lacklustre grilling of them by members of the Public Accounts Committee, I get the feeling the MP’s that make up that Committee have given up trying to make sense of that loan scheme. […]

The Disqualification Files

Today’s the Day the Tribunal Starts to Decide Whether Everyone with a Bounce Back Loan will be Named on a Public Register – Plus Details of 3 More People Found to Have Committed BBL Wrongdoing

I will be watching the Tribunal today that is going to decide whether everybody who took out a Bounce Back Loan will be named on a public register, it is scheduled to last three days, whether it will or not, well, we will have to wait and see. I will let you know how it goes. Also, here are the details of three more people […]

The Disqualification Files

With No Accounting Records Supplied to the Liquidator It Was Not Possible to Determine Whether a Company Director Was Guilty of Any Bounce Back Loan Wrongdoing So He Gets a Reduced 6 Year Ban

Here is another case that saw a Company Director getting a much reduced disqualification, than he would have done if he had supplied accounting records that have proven he had committed Bounce Back Loan wrongdoing, as such he got a 6 year ban which could have easily been double that length of ban if he had supplied those records and they proved wrongdoing. […]