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An Insight Into the Santander Recovery Loan Application Form – As They are Being So Secretive

As Santander are proving to be somewhat secretive, and having seen the horrific letters they are sending out to people they gave BBL’s to, snooping around their accounts and demanding to know as good as, what’s this, what’s that, where’s that/this etc, below for my subscribers, (once again many thanks to all of you, your support helps me do what I do), here are their Recovery Loan application forms for you to peruse. […]

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Recovery Loans – One Week In and What Have We Learned?

We have certainly learnt over the past 7 days that anything to do with Government backed loans is a dirty, filthy, and murky world which goes right to the heart of said Government. In this article I will give you an idea of what they, the British Business Bank, and the lenders themselves have been up to regarding Recovery Loans over the last week, I should warn you its not pretty. […]

British Business Bank

The British Business Bank YOU Pay For Are Compiling Guidance for Brokers Who Feast on Commissions and Fees

It gets worse dear website visitor it really does, below you can view in full the Recovery Loan Scheme (RLS) Intermediary (Broker) Guidance the British Business Bank YOU pay for have helped compile. It shows “Brokers” how to earn a healthy commission/fee for “helping” you get a Recovery Loan, the British Business Bank appear to be very chummy with those Brokers, and are eager for them to earn that commission/fee. Why are the British Business Bank YOU pay for not helping SME’s instead? […]