This section of the website looks at all manner of official Bounce Back Loan related complaints and the outcomes of each of them. If you are experiencing a problem with your BBL lender you may find others who have had a similar complaint sorted out, or even binned by the Ombudsman. You will find plenty of them to immerse yourself in below.
Metro Bank Approved a Customers BBL, Pay It Out But Block All Access to Those Funds Then Almost Five Months Later Do Not Honour the Agreement – Customer Asks For £21k In Compensation the Ombudsman Says £500 Is Fair
Metro Bank did approve many a Bounce Back Loan when the scheme was live and then snatch many of them back or simply did not pay them out, and weeks later tell the customer their once approved BBL was in fact declined. This case is one of many such complaints that has ended up on the desk of one of the Ombudsmen at the Financial Ombudsman Service about Metro Bank. […]