BBL Complaints and Outcomes

Ben Jennings The Ombudsman Gives a Rather Clear Insight Into What Santander Go Snooping Around for When Performing a Review Related to a Bounce Back Loan

As you may be aware, if you have had to endure one, Santander are making a point of delving deeply into bank accounts and questioning anybody they believe may have pulled the wool over their eyes regarding any aspect of applying for or using the funds from a Bounce Back Loan, when preforming one of their infamous “reviews”. […]

BBL Complaints and Outcomes

Ombudsman Order NatWest to “Un-Default” a Bounce Back Loan and Reinstate the Repayment Terms the Recipient Initially Signed Up For and Remove Any Negative Credit File Markers and Bung Them £350 Compensation

It is the turn of NatWest, who to be fair to them have been handling those unable to repay their Bounce Back Loans with compassion, to feel the wrath of the Ombudsman. This case is one which revolves a BBL they apparently approved due to errors and have now had to reinstate. […]